Direct Hair Transplant Treatment In Lowje

What Is Direct Hair Transplant (DHT)?
DHT is referred to as direct hair transplant. In Direct Hair Transplant (DHT) treatment hair follicles are implanted one-by-one to the thinning area. Each hair follicle is placed at the desires angle, depth and direction. Direct Hair transplant method is a revolutionary method which is painless and as the name suggests hair follicles is directly implanted into the scalp with no incisions. The implantation is done with the help of DHI or direct hair implanter tool. Direct Hair Implantation method optimizes and increases the results of successful hair growth.

Procedure of Direct Hair Transplant(DHT)
Direct Hair Transplant method is a revolutionary new method in which the tool Direct Hair Implanter or DHI is used. In this method hair follicle is removed with the help of DHI tool and is immediately implanted into the recipient area, this placement can be done at the desired angle, depth for accurate precision. In a single session, around 6000 implants can be taken care off of.


Steps of Direct Hair Transplant(DHT) Treatment
1.  First of all the patient is analyzed for his/her situation to see the extent of the baldness.
2.  Photographs of the entire scalp region is taken in order to analyze postoperative results.
3.  Identification of donor and recipient area is done.
4. Administration of local anesthesia is done to ease the pain.
5. Extraction of hair from donor area is done.
6. Extracted hair is then kept at a specific temperature and in a solution that enhances their development after placement, without separating, cutting or generally handling the grafts.
7. Implanted hair is then directly implanted into hair loss suffering area with the help of Direct Hair Implanter at the desired angle, depth without the creation of slits or holes.
8. Post care and after care guidance is given by the doctor.


Why Nubello Aesthetics?

  • Multiple reputed specialist doctors with 10+ years of experience
    • More than 20,000 satisfied patients
    •    International State of art equipment
    •    Customized Approach to every patient.

At Nubello Aesthetics, specialist doctors provide customized treatment as per the needs of the patient. With state of art technology equipment, Nubello makes the entire process of direct hair transplant treatment an easy and comfortable one. Finance option for loans and EMI are available for all the patients.