Gender Reassignment Surgery In Andheri

With the help of Gender Reassignment Surgery in Andheri, Be the “YOU” you want to be!

Sex reassignment surgery or gender reassignment surgery is a surgical procedure by which a person’s gender or physical appearance is altered.

Generally, Transgender and Intersex people follow many different paths to realize their Gender expression.

Different Gender Reassignment Procedures

Many only pursue hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Others will pursue HRT as well as various degrees of surgery, including chest reconstruction facial feminization surgery (FFS). They may also decide that bottom surgery or preferably, gender confirmation surgery is the right choice for them.

Gender Reassignment Surgery Types


MTF/MTN Gender Reassignment Surgery


Male to female (MTF) individuals are the ones born in a male body but identify themselves as female.  A majority (75.34%) of Gender Dysphoria subjects were MTF.


Vaginoplasty performed with these following three methods

  • penile inversion
  • rectosigmoid or colon graft
  • non-penile inversion vaginoplasty

Penile Inversion

Penile inversion involves using the penile skin to form the neovagina. The labia major and minora are primarily made up of scrotal tissue. This results in a sensate vagina and labia.

However, one main drawback is the lack of self-lubrication by the vaginal wall.

Common variations include using the remaining scrotal tissue as a graft for additional vaginal depth. And using the intact mucosal urethra recovered from the penis to line part of the vagina, creating some self-lubrication.

Rectosigmoid Vaginoplasty

Rectosigmoid vaginoplasty involves the use of intestinal tissue to form the vaginal wall. This technique is sometimes used in conjunction with penile inversion. Intestinal tissue helps when penile and scrotal tissue is scarce.

Intestinal tissue has the added benefit of being mucosal, and therefore self-lubricating.

Non-Penile Inversion

The suporn technique or the Chonburi Flap are some other names for Non-penile inversion.

This method uses perforated scrotal tissue graft for the vaginal lining, and intact scrotal tissue for the labia majora (same as a penile inversion).

Surgeons who use this technique purport greater vaginal depth, more sensate inner labia, and improved cosmetic appearance.

FTM/FTN Gender Reassignment Surgery

Phalloplasty and metoidioplasty are two methods that involve the construction of a neopenis.

Scrotoplasty may be performed with either surgery, which modifies the major labia into a scrotum. Testicular implants usually require waiting for follow-up surgery.


Metoidioplasty is a much simpler and quicker procedure than phalloplasty. In this procedure, the clitoris, already elongated to 3-8 centimeters by HRT, is released from the surrounding tissue and repositioned to match the positioning of a penis.

After these procedures, the neopenis may or may not maintain an erection on its own and is unlikely to provide meaningful penetrative sex.


Phalloplasty involves using a skin graft to elongate the neopenis to 5-8 inches. The common donor sites for the skin graft are the forearm, thigh, abdomen, and upper back.

The urethra is also lengthened via donor tissue from the same site. A penile implant may be inserted in a follow-up surgery, providing the ability to maintain a full erection suitable for penetrative sex.

If you are looking for MTF/MTN or FTM/FTN Gender Reassignment Surgery in Andheri or nearby places. Then Nubello Clinic is the most recommended clinic.

How to prepare for Gender Reassignment Surgery?

Leading up to bottom surgery, most people require hair removal via electrolysis.

Your surgeon will require you to stop HRT two weeks before surgery, and refrain for two weeks after surgery. Talk to your surgeon about other medications that you take regularly.

Some surgeons require a bowel prep before the bottom surgery as well.

Risks and Side Effects of Gender Reassignment Surgery

Vaginoplasty may result in loss of sensation in part or all of the neo clitoris due to nerve damage. Some people may experience a rectovaginal fistula, a serious problem that opens the intestines into the vagina. Vaginal prolapse may also occur. However, all of these are relatively rare complications.

More commonly, people who get a vaginoplasty may experience minor urinary incontinence. In many cases, such incontinence subsides after some time.

Vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, and phalloplasty all may carry a risk of the person being displeased with the aesthetic result.

Recovering From Gender Reassignment Surgery

Three to six days of hospitalization is mandatory for this sex reassignment surgery.

And also another 7-10 days of close outpatient supervision is necessary. After your procedure, expect to refrain from work or strenuous activity for roughly six weeks.

Vaginoplasty requires a catheter for about one week. Full metoidioplasty and phalloplasty require a catheter. For up to three weeks or until the point at which you can purge the bulk of your urine through your urethra on your own.

After vaginoplasty, most people generally need to dilate regularly for the first one or two year, by using a graduated series of hard plastic stents. After that, penetrative sexual activity is normally enough for upkeep. The neovagina develops microflora similar to a typical vagina, although the pH level leans much more alkaline.

Scars tend to either be hidden in the pubic hair or simply heal so well as to not be noticeable.

Some Other Surgeries are:

  • Tracheal shave- Removal of Adam’s apple so as to obtain a more feminine look.
  • Voice feminization surgery- Voice feminization surgery is a surgical technique to raise the pitch of the voice.

Why Nubello Aesthetics?

  • Multiple reputed specialist doctors with 10+ years of experience
  • More than 20,000 satisfied patients
  • International State of the art equipment
  • Customized Approach to every patient.

At Nubello Aesthetics, specialist doctors provide customized treatment as per the needs of the patient.  Nubello makes the entire process of gender reassignment surgery in Andheri an easy and comfortable one.

Also, the finance option for loans and EMI is available for all the patients.