Treatment For Premature Graying Of Hair In Dombivali

What is Premature graying of hair?
Gray hair is becoming common nowadays. No one can be able to get rid of gray hair. Though the process of graying of hair is natural one it is becoming more common in teenagers and even in teenagers the frequency is increasing is increasing at an alarming rate. Premature hair graying is nothing but when the pigment is not produced by hair which produces the said color.

Causes for premature graying of hair
Although, graying of hair is a natural process premature graying of hair is related to
1. Genetics:
The offspring has a more chance of having premature gray hair if the parents suffered from premature graying.
2. Vitamins and minerals:
vitamin, B12, and zinc are responsible for proper nourishment of hair giving it natural black color, growth and good density. Lack of vitamin C & E also leads to premature graying.
3. Smoking:
Smoking also leads to premature graying of hair as it leads to the development of free radicals in the body which leads to oxidation stress leading to decreasing pigmentation capacity.
4. Diet:
Unhealthy diet is also a cause of hair loss by increasing deposition of AGE’s (Advanced Glycation End products) which accelerates aging and results in loss of hair colors.

Treatments for premature graying of hair:
Certain precautions such as avoiding direct exposure to sunlight, use of antioxidants and intake of zinc and copper rich foods will certainly help tackle premature graying. Also refraining from unhealthy habits such as smoking will also help. Natural remedies can also prevent premature graying of hair. Natural herbs can also help fight premature graying. Sea foods are a rich source of iodine, zinc, and copper.


Why Nubello Aesthetics?

  • Multiple reputed specialist doctors with 10+ years of experience
    • More than 20,000 satisfied patients
    •    International State of art equipment
    •    Customized Approach to every patient.

At Nubello Aesthetics, specialist doctors provide customized treatment as per the needs of the patient. With state of art technology equipment, Nubello makes the entire process of premature graying of hair treatment an easy and comfortable one. Finance option for loans and EMI are available for all the patients.