Rhinoplasty or Cosmetic Nose Surgery In Chembur

If you are looking for Cosmetic Nose Surgery In Chembur or nearby then you are in the right place. Before you go ahead with the cosmetic Nose Surgery here are some points that you need to consider. Here we are going to explain in detail about Cosmetic Nose Surgery or Rhinoplasty.

What is Rhinoplasty or Cosmetic Nose Surgery?

It is a surgical procedure for correcting the nose, it enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. Rhinoplasty sometimes referred to as a “nose job” or “nose reshaping ”

Reasons to Undergo Rhinoplasty:

People get rhinoplasty to repair their nose injury or to correct breathing problems or a birth defect. Also sometimes because they’re unhappy with the appearance of their nose due to the imperfect symmetry of the nose.

Possible changes that your plastic surgeon can make to your nose through rhinoplasty include the following:

  • a change in size
  • a change in angle
  • reshaping of the tip
  • narrowing of the nostrils

Types of Rhinoplasty:

There are two types of rhinoplasty when it comes to the procedure. It is open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. The primary difference between the two is the surgical approach.

In open rhinoplasty, the cosmetic surgeon makes a small incision in the columella between the nostrils and then makes additional incisions inside the nose. Closed rhinoplasty involves incisions only in the interior of the nose.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

The nose plastic surgery is done purely as per the requirement of the case, so the procedure may differ from person to person. The procedure usually takes between 1-2 hours. If the surgery is complex, it can even take longer.

Rhinoplasty can be done in a hospital, in a clinic, or at an outpatient surgical facility.

Nubello Aesthetic is a renowned Clinic for Nose Surgery in Chembur.

1. Your doctor will use local or general anesthesia. If it’s a simple procedure, you’ll receive local anesthesia to your nose, which will also numb your face.

2. Once you’re numb or unconscious, incisions are made inside the nostrils or around the columella.

3. The surgeons might remove the cartilage to decrease the size of the nose or might alter the underlying structure to give an appealing shape.

4. If needed, your surgeon may attach the cartilage graft or a bone graft to increase the size of your nose. A bone graft is an additional bone that’s added to the bone in your nose.

5. After that, your surgeon will close the incisions with proper sutures.

6. Your surgeon will provide you Post care advice and Recommendation for better recovery.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty

After cosmetic surgery, your doctor may place a plastic or metal splint on your nose. The splint will help your nose to retain its new shape while it heals. They may also place nasal packs or splints inside your nostrils to stabilize your septum, which is the part of your nose between your nostrils.

You’ll be monitored in a recovery room for a few hours after surgery. If everything is okay, you’ll leave later that day. If it’s a complicated procedure then you might have to stay in the hospital for a day or two.

To reduce bleeding and swelling, you’ll need to rest with your head elevated above your chest. If your nose is swollen or packed with cotton then you might feel congested. People are usually required to leave splints and dressings in place for up to a week after surgery.

If you have absorbable stitches, then they’ll dissolve and won’t require removal.  But if the stitches aren’t absorbable, you’ll need to see your doctor again a week after surgery. And get the stitches taken out.

Things To Avoid After Surgery

Your doctor may tell you to avoid the following things for a few weeks after your surgery:

  • running and other strenuous physical activities
  • blowing your nose
  • excessive chewing
  • pulling clothing over your head
  • resting eyeglasses on your nose
  • swimming
  • laughing, smiling, or other facial expressions that require lots of movement

Risks of Rhinoplasty

All surgeries carry some risks, including infection, bleeding, or also sometimes a bad reaction to anesthesia. Rhinoplasty may also increase your risk of:

  • breathing difficulties
  • nosebleeds
  • a numb nose
  • an asymmetrical nose
  • scars

Why Nubello Aesthetics?

  • Multiple reputed specialist doctors with 10+ years of experience
  • More than 20,000 satisfied patients
  • International State of the art equipment
  • Customized Approach to every patient.

At Nubello Aesthetics, specialist doctors provide customized treatment as per the needs of the patient. Eventually, Nubello makes the entire process of Nose Surgery In Chembur an easy and comfortable one. Nubello also have multiple branches at different locations in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai

The finance option for loans and EMI are also available for all the patients at Nubello Clinic.