Advanced Direct Hair Implant Techniques

Direct hair implantation is a revolutionary method in DHI techniques. The use of advanced and latest technology has done in the direct hair implantation. Therefore, this gives natural look to the hair. In fact, in the latest technique use in hair implant, eliminate the use scalpels. Most important thing of this procedure is that it is pain free. Patient experience the best results in just one visit to the doctor. The follicles have transplanted in the thin area of the scalp. More, each follicle has placed in a specified direction and angle. Patients do not feel pain the procedure. However, patient can feels rapid recovery after the transplant.  Hair growth starts in 2 months. However, it takes around 8-9 months for full hair growth. While planning for the Direct Hair Implant you should consult an experienced dermatologist. Then, decide to move further for the implant or not.

Precautions and guidelines by the doctor for Direct Hair Implant are as follows:

  • Patient safety

In the implant doctor wants to ensure patient safety. In future, the person should not with health issue after the implant. For this reason, doctors ask to the patient to come up with full medical history. Therefore, that it is easy for them to decide if the patient is suitable for the implant or not. However, high standard protocols have followed in the surgery. Even there is no chance of risk. 100% guarantee of the results after the surgery.

  • Natural Growth of Hair

The benefit of DHI technique is get after getting the surgery done. Your hair starts growing within 2 months. However, it takes almost a year for the normal hair growth. Angle replacement technique ensures full growth of hair after the surgery.

  • Painless Procedure

Most of the patients ask from the doctor that the procedure is painful or not. However, in DHI technique is least painful. Even, the patient does not know when the transplant procedure has completed.

  • Avoid Scarring

Latest techniques have used in DHI. This is to make sure that donor does not get affect with any kind of damage. Doctor’s use 0.7mm of titanium coated punch for the extraction of the follicles

Procedure of Direct Hair Implant Technique

  • Extraction

Extraction is the first step in the hair implant.  Doctors use proprietary tools to take hair follicles from the donor hair. According to the tools of 0.7mm diameter has used in the extraction.

  • Placement

Doctor makes the use of patented tool to place hair follicles in the patient scalp. However, it is a single step process in the transplant. In this process doctor makes sure that the follicles have transplanted in the right angle and direction.

  • Natural Result after Direct Hair Transplant

Doctor takes care that the follicles have transplanted to an accurate angle and direction. However, this process is important for the natural growth of hair of the patient. Somehow, this takes time to have natural growth of the hair of the person.

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