How Dandruff Effect Your Hair? Read Here

Dandruff is the root cause of hair fall. Nearly half of the women suffer from dandruff. Excessive drying of hair in the scalp is the cause behind dandruff. Dandruff causes itching and this results in hair fall. The following points shows the effects of dandruff that causes hair fall are:

  • Insidious relationship between dandruff and hair fall. Most of the people have no clue about the close link between dandruff and hair fall. Dermatitis can worry you. It is scalp condition can cause dandruff and hair fall. People with hair fall issues also suffer from dermatitis.
  • Sometimes there is no connection between hair loss patterns and dandruff. Dandruff indirectly causes trauma. Scratching and fungal separation causes hairball. We need to burst out this one myth.
  • Dandruff and hair loss are the two ends of a cycle. Increase in dandruff can cause hair fall. There are some ways in connection to this vicious cycle that causes hair fall.
  • Most of us have the doubts regarding dandruff and hair fall. What come first dandruff and hair fall? The answer of this question is simple. Dandruff is the root cause of hair fall. Chemicals in shampoos and conditioners because hair fall that give back dandruff in return.
  • Minodryl is the main culprit that is responsible for dandruff and hair fall. A common ingredient present in shampoos and conditioners causes hair problems.
  • You should have a look at the shampoos you want to buy. The use some shampoos leads to flaking. You may be wondering that why these dandruff flakes do causes hair fall. Look at the follicle enriching shampoos before using them.

You get to know the effects of dandruff that causes hair fall. Here are some simple ways that can reduce dandruff and hair fall:

  • Olive Oil

Ladies face the common problem of dandruff and hair fall. They should start the use of olive oil. Olive oil is rich in vitamins and nutrition’s that are beneficial for the hair. Warm olive oil conditions your hair and scalp and leaves it dandruff free.

  • White Vinegar

White vinegar is the best way to treat dandruff. This is because of its acidic properties. It makes your scalp environment unstable. This causes difficulty in the bacterial and fungal growth. It prevents dandruff.

  • Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil has great antiseptic properties. It is the best oil for combating with skin problems and hair fall problems. You have mix a little amount of tea tree oil in your shampoo. This can clean your hair. You have used it for a few weeks then see remarkable improvement in your hair.

  • Change your shampoo

You want dandruff free hair so you have to change your shampoo. Use a mild shampoo that can give you dandruff relief. There are some shampoos available in the market for dandruff relief. You can choose anyone of them. It should have coal tar and selenium sulphide etc in it.


You get to know the effects of dandruff and hair fall. There are easy home remedies you can use to prevent dandruff and hair fall. Dandruff not connected with hair fall in some situations. There are many other reasons behind it.

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