Know Some Facts About The Best Hair transplant Method

Hair loss is one of the most common problems out there. Several people are affected by it. In males, it is called as male pattern baldness whereas in females it is called as female pattern baldness. There are several treatments available for hair loss ranging from traditional herbal medicines to various tablets and pills. But the success rate of using these treatments is very less. Hair loss can be treated with the help of advanced restoration methods such as hair transplant methods. These methods consist of transplant methods such as Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) etc. Out of these methods, FUE is considered to be the best hair transplant method out there.So here is what you need to know about the best hair transplant method:
1.    In 2002 veteran hair restoration surgeons Dr. William Rassman and Dr. Robert Bernstein published an article describing a new type of hair transplant surgery.In this paper, they described the new hair transplant method and called it as ‘FOX’.

2. This technique involves removing of individual follicles from the donor area and transplanting it into the area required. This method is better than FUT because in FUT method entire tissue strip is scrapped causing scarring.

3. Due to its widespread popularity, almost 40% of surgeries done today use Follicular Unit Extraction method due to its benefits. Making it one of the best hair transplant procedures.

4. This technique has come up from transplanting about 20 grafts per session to about 1000 grafts per session, making it one of the most advanced hair transplant procedures.

5. With no stitches required and no linear scar left to heal, FUE does have a faster healing time and less post-procedure discomfort compared to traditional FUT procedure.

6. The only factor regarding Follicular Unit Extraction is the cost of hair transplant surgery. As it the best hair transplant method available certainly it costs a bit more.

So to know more about this new hair transplant technology get in touch with Nubello Aesthetics & Cosmetic Surgery Center, Kharghar and treat your hair loss with the best hair transplant method available with us.

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