Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli

Looking for a renowned and reputed cosmetic centre for Laser Hair Removal Treatment In Kalamboli, then we at Nubello are here to serve you with world-class Laser Hair Removal Services. This article focuses on talking about Laser Hair Removal Treatment and we try to answer all the related questions like:

  1. Best Cosmetic Clinic for Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli
  2. Best Doctor for Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli

Before starting with answering these questions, let us understand more about Laser Hair Removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Technology is flourishing and the consequences are to customize and make things easier without spending much of time. One such technology is laser hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal treatment is a permanent solution to diminish unwanted hair. It is a noninvasive way to remove unwanted body hair. It is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments among men and women. If you are looking for laser hair removal, then you have come to the right place! Nubello Aesthetics provides the best laser hair removal in Mumbai.

 Laser Hair Removal can be done in areas like legs, armpits, upper lip, chin, and the bikini line. However, it’s possible to treat unwanted hair in nearly any area, except for the eyelid and surrounding area.

Most of the common hair removal technique like – waxing, shaving, tweezing, depilatory creams, and threading doesn’t remove hair permanently. Either the hair grows within 3 weeks, or these tricks leave skin discolouring. If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair. Then this laser permanent hair removal treatment can be a good option for you. Laser hair removal treatment provides a longer relief from hair growth up to 10 weeks. And on regular treatment of 6-8 sessions, the hair growth stops permanently. 

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Procedure

A laser beam targets the hair follicles through the skin and thus stop the hair growth. Laser hair removal is one of the best-recommended options for the fair-skinned people with dark hair as the melanin in the dark hair absorbs laser light well and thus the technique is more effective. Laser hair removal treatment takes 30-45 minutes per session and the treatment involves 6-8 sessions. The sessions depend on the hair growth on your body.

Hair colour and skin type influence the success of laser hair removal. The basic principle is that the pigment of the hair, but not the pigment of the skin, should absorb the light. The laser should damage only the hair follicle while avoiding damage to the skin. Therefore, a contrast between hair and skin colour — dark hair and light skin — results in the best outcomes.

Laser hair removal is a long-lasting hair removal technique. It can be applied to larger body parts, which makes the process shorter, quicker, and painless.

Preparation Before Treatment:

The person planning for laser hair removal should not go for waxing, electrolysis, shaving 6 weeks before the laser treatment. This is because the laser targets the hair roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing. The person must avoid sun exposure for six weeks before the treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure:

Just before the procedure starts, the targetted area hairs will be trimmed keeping the hair a few millimetres above the skin. The Nd Yag laser equipment will be adjusted according to the colour and thickness of the hair. A cold gel is applied to the area protecting and cooling the outer layer of the skin. This will also help the laser light penetrate the skin and effectively remove hair follicles. The next step is that the technician will give a pulse of light on the area. When the procedure is completed, ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams or lotions are given to the patient to ease any discomfort. 6-8 sessions after every 2 months will stop the hair growth permanently. 

Benefits of laser hair removal:

  1. The effect lasts longer and hair grows after 8-10 weeks.
  2. No dark patches.
  3. Safe, Easy and No Pain.

Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli

At Nubello Aesthetics, we use the latest US FDA approved Nd YAG laser which is suitable and safe for all skin types. Since our hair grows in 3 phases namely, the Anagen (growth phase), Catagen and Telogen, the laser only targets the growth phase i.e. anagen, during the procedure. Nubello has been in the industry for more than 8 years, and we have treated more than 10,000 clients. We are one of the top clinics providing the best laser hair removal treatment in Mumbai. A safe, accurate and perfect way to remove hair from underarms by using – Nd YAG laser treatment. We care for your money and we value our clients. Visit Nubello today, and enjoy your skin more!

Best Cosmetic Clinic for Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli

There are many cosmetic clinics in Navi Mumbai, so what makes Nubello Aesthetics special?

  • Multiple reputed specialist doctors with 10+ years of experience.
  • More than 20,000 satisfied patients.
  • International State of the art equipment.
  • Customized Approach to every patient.

At Nubello Aesthetics, professional doctors present customized therapy as per the demands of the patient. With the state of art technology equipment, Nubello makes the entire process of laser hair removal treatment a smooth and pleasant one. Finance option for loans and EMI are available for all the patients. Nubello is one of the reputed cosmetic clinics in Kharghar for laser treatment.

Best Doctor for  Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Kalamboli

At Nubello Aesthetics, we have experienced dermatologist in Navi Mumbai. Cosmetologist and trichologist who have 5+ years experience performing laser hair removal treatment.

  1. Kalyani Ramteke
  2. Chitra Patil
  3. Zeenaz
  4. Komal Hemnani
  5. Supriya Kokane Patil
  6. Jyotsana Chauhan

Nubello Aesthetics clinic is in the cosmetic industry for more than 8 years and has completed 5000+ laser treatments. Indeed, Nubello provides the best laser hair removal treatment in Kharghar and Andheri.

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