What is Vaginal Tightening? How it is done?

Vaginal tightening refers to the tightening of the pelvic muscles. This is to achieve the right degree of elasticity of the pelvic floor of muscles. It should contract and maintain the continuance. You should feel relax at the time of urination bowel movements and sexual intercourse. It supports the important organs of our abdomen and holds the bladder at the proper place. Pelvic muscles become weak due to ageing. This is because of difficult childbirth overstretch tears the pelvic muscles. It is due to continue childbirths during a short span of time. Pelvic muscles need exercise for its proper functioning. Hormonal changes and menopause causes weakening of pelvic muscles. Weakening or damage of these muscles can cause long-term staining, cough and overweight. There are different ways for vaginal tightening. These methods are very effective.


Pelvic floor muscles of the body region known as perineum. It is a group of muscles and filaments. Hamlock muscle has found in both sexes. It stretches as a public bone that supports the pelvic organs. It is the set of the muscles of the perineum. This forms floor for the pelvic cavity and supports the pelvic organs like bladder, uterus, colon and intestine. Muscles are like a rubber band. These muscles need to be tense but not tight. It is important to avoid pelvic muscle floor disorder. Tightening or loosing of pelvic muscle is a sign of worry for the muscles. It loses right degree of elasticity. This can create pelvic muscle dysfunction.


The consequences of pelvic floor dysfunction can cause urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence, sensory abnormalities of the lower urinary tract, sexual dysfunction and chronic pain etc. Three most common clinical situations due pelvic floor dysfunction are- urinary incontinence, anal incontinence and pelvic female genital collapse. In the situation of too much tension in the pelvic muscles can cause pelvic pain. The lower tone of it continues to stress incontinence and pelvic organ collapse. There is the combination of the two muscles too stressed and too relaxed.


The symptoms of the hypertonic pelvic muscles are as follows:

  • You feel the frequency increase or decrease in the urination.
  • There are chances of starting or stopping of the urination stream.
  • You may feel a painful experience at the time urination.
  • There is situation of incomplete urination.
  • You have a situation of vaginimus.
  • You can encounter the situation constipation, difficulty in the bowel movements and even pain.
  • There is unexplained back pain, pelvic region, hips and the genital areas.
  • You feel at the time of sexual intercourse or after the sexual intercourse.
  • There is uncoordinated muscle coordination and contractions. It causes pelvic floor muscles to spasm.
  • Sometimes you may feel stress incontinence.
  • Urge incontinence is an experience that females encounter in their pelvises.


Pelvic is an essential internal organ of the female body. Tightening and losing of this organ is harmful for the females. They should take care of their internal organs. You should consult the doctor if you face some unusual situations.

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