Psoriasis Treatment Process

Psoriasis treatment process reduces inflammation. The treatment process is useful to provide relief to the person from psoriasis. There are different types of therapies available that can cure psoriasis.

Tropical Treatments

Use of cream and ointments can treat mild and moderate psoriasis. You can use creams that have prescribed by the doctor to cure psoriasis. In case of severe psoriasis, you should take ointment with medicines. Tropical treatment psoriasis is:

  • Tropical corticosteroids

Doctors prescribe these drugs for mild and moderate psoriasis. This reduces inflammation and burning sensation in the skin. Mild ointments used to treat the affected areas with psoriasis. Your doctor can prescribe strong corticosteroids for small and sensitive areas and the areas that are tough to treat. Long-term use or overuse of corticosteroids causes thinning of skin. You should stop the use of tropical corticosteroids after some time.

  • Vitamin D analogues

Synthetic forms of vitamin D slower the growth of skin. Calcaipotriene is a cream or solution that contains vitamin D in it. This cream is very effective to treat mild psoriasis. It is expensive but easily available. Cream is less irritating than other solutions.

  • Coal Tar

Coal is useful is reducing scaling and inflammation. It can cause irritation to your skin. It is messy, bad odor and stains the clothing and bedding. Coal tar is available in medicines and shampoos. This is also available in higher concentration prescription. Pregnant or breast feeding women should not use it.

  • Moisturizers

Use of moisturizing creams cannot alone treat psoriasis. This can reduce scaling, itchiness and dry skin. The base of moisturizers is strong than other creams and ointments. You should apply moisturizer immediately after the bath.

Light Treatments

A light treatment uses natural or artificial ultraviolet light. Phototherapy is the easiest form of light treatments as it provides controlled amount of sunlight to the skin. Some of the light treatments include:

  • Sunlight

Exposure to the natural sunlight is useful. It slower skin cell turnover. Daily exposure to the sunlight is useful as it can cure psoriasis. Intense exposure can worsen the symptoms and even damages the skin. You should consult your doctor before taking the natural sunlight treatment for psoriasis.

  • Narrow band UVB phototherapy

Narrow band UVB phototherapy is the newer treatment for psoriasis. This treatment is more effective for than UVB treatment. The person needs to go two to three times in a week for the treatment. It is until when your skin improves. After that, weekly sessions are sufficient for the treatment. This therapy can cause severe burns for time.

  • Goeckerman Therapy

Grockersman Therapy is the combination of coal tar and UVB treatment. The combination of these two therapies is more effective because coal tar makes the skin receptive to the sunlight. Combination of these treatments is effective not alone.

  • UVB Phototherapy

UVB phototherapy is providing controlled form of UVB lights that can cure mild psoriasis. UVB phototherapy is also known as broadband UVB. It use is to clear single patches on the skin. It cures severe psoriasis.

Oral medications

You suffer from acute psoriasis. Systematic treatment is best for you. Doctors prescribe you medicines with injections. Some of the medicines used in the treatment are:

  • Retinoid

These groups of drugs related to Vitamin A. Drugs are useful for one who does not respond to other therapies in psoriasis. Hair loss and lip inflammation are the side effects of these drugs. The medicines are use for an alternate period and with alternative treatments.

  • Methotrexate

Methotrexate lower the number of skin cells and it suppresses skin inflammation. It slowed down the progression of psoriatic arthritis’s in some people. The longer use of these medicines has serious side effects. It damages liver and decrease red blood cells and white blood cells.


Doctor chooses the treatments on the type and severity of the psoriasis. Research is going on, as they are effective to cure psoriasis on some medicines. The target of these treatments is to different proteins of the immune systems.


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