What is Dermatitis? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis of Dermatitis!

What is Dermatitis?

Dermatitis is a skin condition. It includes atopic dermatitis, allergic contract dermatitis, irritant contract dermatitis and stasis dermatitis. The causes behind dermatitis are unclear. In some cases of dermatitis often involves the combination of irritation, allergy and poor venous return. Person medical history and location of rashes determines the type dermatitis. Example- Irritant dermatitis occurs to people who frequently wash their hands. Creams and moisturizers can treat atopic dermatitis. The creams for the treatment are mild to high. The person suffers from this dermatitis uses the cream for two weeks or less. Sensitive people are more prone to allergic dermatitis. The person faces skin infection can use antibiotics. In the year 2015, around 240 million are suffering from dermatitis in the world. The common symptoms of atopic dermatitis start in childhood. 10-30% people in USA suffer from dermatitis. Around 7% people suffer from allergic dermatitis. Women are prone to contact dermatitis than the male. You can find that allergic dermatitis is common in the working people.

Symptoms of Dermatitis

Symptoms of dermatitis vary with the condition. It ranges from skin rashes to bumpy rashes or includes blisters. Dermatitis symptoms vary from its different types. Common symptoms of dermatitis are redness of skin, itchiness, and skin lesions with oozing and scarring. Affected areas from dermatitis are knees, wrists, face, hands and mouth. Irritation in dermatitis is more painful than itchiness. Stinging, burning sensation and itchiness are the common symptoms of Dermatitis herpeticformis. Dry hands and scalp are the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis. In newborn diaper, rashes are common cause of dermatitis.

Causes of Dermatitis

Exact causes of dermatitis are unknown. Doctors assume that environment and genetically factors are common cause of dermatitis. Allergic diseases like asthma, eczema and other allergic diseases are the causes behind the unclean environment. Filaggrin genes associate with the eczema. People suffering with celiac are more frequent to eczema. It is a genetic link between the diseases. It is the one of the unknown causes behind dermatitis.

Diagnosis of Dermatitis

Medical history and physical examination is the common diagnosis for eczema. Doctor prefers to go for skin biopsy in some cases for the examination. Patch test has done to diagnosis for allergic contact dermatitis.  Eczema is prone to misdiagnosis of food allergies.


It is righty said, “Prevention is better than cure.” Some preventive methods are helpful to stay away from dermatitis.

  • You should take care of the mother’s diet during pregnancy.
  • The use probiotics during infancy reduces the risk of dermatitis.
  • People suffering eczema should not suffer with small pox vaccination. It can cause any kind of fatal complication.


Dermatitis is a complicate disease. The people should take care of you. Apply the preventive methods that can be helpful to stay from the disease. You suffer from the disease. Take care of yourself. You should take the advice of the doctor. Keep your surrounding areas clean. You need to take special care of your pregnant females and infants. Avoid frequent washing hands it can cause dermatitis.




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