Five Factors that increases Weight

Eating too much eating wrong food has two consequences. It can increase your weight or decrease your weight. It is an obvious fact. There are some other factors that causes weight gain are as follows:

  • Size of Dishes

The size of your dishes has an influence on your body weight. People consume more food taken on large serving utensils than in smaller serving utensils. A survey conduct on a group of people show that people who use large utensils to eat tends to increase their calories intake 30% more than as compared to other people. You should make the use of small bowls and plates so that you can eat less. This can reduce your body weight.

  • Drinks

Drinks have an impact in the increase in the body weight. Most of us are surprise to see slim Japanese people. They consume green tea as a primary beverage. People who consume green tea experience less absorption of trygilsides and cholesterol. They have more excretion of body fat. Studies show decrease in body fats and cholesterol if you have 8 cups of green tea in a day. You should include green tea in your routine. Try to avoid normal tea with milk and sugar. Increase in its quantities can cause weight gain. Check out the best green tea supplements for you.

  • Sleep

Sleep plays an important role for your weight. You should take adequate sleep around 7-8 hours in a day. The ideal bedtime is 10:00pm or before. Coristol levels rise after 10:30pm or 11:30pm. You should remember coristol levels are low in the evening. Going to bed early is necessary. This is because you cannot feel tired. It keeps you weight control. You sleep late in night this can cause increase in weight.

  • Stress

Now a day’s stress is a common problem for the people. Cortisol is a critical hormone that maintains biochemical balance of the body. There is an increase in this hormone. It can increase the weight of the body. A toxic fat can cause cardiovascular disease. Higher levels cortisol increases the level of store calories in your body. You should maintain your stress levels. Try to be happy and cheerful.

  • Exercise

Sometimes you think that you and your friend are of same age and same size. You go to the gym and perform a heavy workout. Your friend prefers to go for a walk and perform yoga. The workout is about 30 minutes. Your weight loss technique is not working well as of your friend. The reason behind is the person who performs work out with interval training lose more weight than a full-fledged no break workout.


All of us want to look slim and fit. Some factors other than eating habits and medicine effects are responsible for weight loss. Like the use of utensils to eat food. Utensils play an important role in your body weight. Stress is the root cause for all issues. You should avoid stress. Try to cheer your self and live a stress free life.


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