Diseases Which Comes With Weight Gain

Mostly people put on weight because of their eating habits. Everyday body functions play an important role in weight gain. There are some cases where weight gain is due to health issues. The following medical issues responsible for weight gain are as follows:

  • Diabetes

Weight gain is a common side effect of diabetes. People take insulin to control their diabetes. This in return cause increase in their body weight. Some people have longstanding diabetes. They eat more to maintain their low sugar levels. Excessive snacking to avoid low sugar levels increases their body weight.

  • Ageing

People tend to lose some amount of muscles when reach to a certain age. In result, they become less active. As you know, muscles are best calorie burners. Loss of muscles can cause less calorie burn. This can cause increase in their weight. You are eating and drinking same amount as always and you are physically inactive. It can cause weight gain. You should do regular exercise to avoid muscle loss. There are some muscles strengthening exercise for you. It can make you feel active and fit.

  • Underactive Thyroid

Underactive Thyroid can occur at any age to irrespective of males and female. It is a situation in which thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone is essential hormone for the metabolism of the body. The underactive thyroid issue is most common in old woman. The body is not producing enough thyroid hormone. This in return lowers the rate of metabolism that weight gain. The treatment of the situation done with hormone replacement tablet called levothyroxine.

  • Stress and Mood swings

People suffer from stress and different mood swings. They react differently in stress and low mood issues.  In this situation, some people lose weight and some people gain weight. Mostly people turn towards food as a coping mechanism for stress. Stress and Weight gain is a vicious circle. Weight gain depression can cause rise in the weight. You know that you are an emotional eater. Try to find out different activities to distract your mind in low mood situation.

  • Crushing Syndrome

Crushing syndrome is a very rare disease. It affects 1 in 50000 people. Crushing syndrome causes because of high levels of the hormone cortistol. The use of steroids for a long period develop crushing syndrome as a side effect. Sometimes side effects of tumors can develop crushing syndrome. The common symptom is weight gain. Cortistol hormone causes fat that redistributes in different parts of the body. The fat distribution is on the chest, face and stomach.

  • Tiredness

Studies reveal that people who sleep less than seven hours a day likely to gain more weight as compared with the people who sleep more than nine hours in a day. A theory shows that sleep deprived people have reduced levels of leptin. Leptin is a chemical that makes you full. You are tired always that can increase your hunger levels. Then you eat more and it increases your weight.


Most of us link weight gain with food habits and lifestyle changes. There are many other things related to weight gain. You may be surprised to know that weight gain has a connection with sleep deprivation. There are many other facts you are know about weight gain.

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